‘’Awareness is the single biggest tool in your trading.’’
You have to become aware of what you are thinking saying and doing then use this knowledge to
become aware of any sabotaging thoughts and thus be able to differentiate between the thoughts that
help and the thoughts that sabotage you.
With deliberate practice you can then learn to stop acting on them when they arise in your trading.
Exercises To Become Aware:
1. On your trading screen use a sticky note with the words “observe” on it. And every time you see it.
Observe what you have just been thinking saying and doing then write it down in your journal.
Then review your patterns. With time you will begin to automatically become the observer of your
thoughts without thinking.
2. Meditate at least 15 mins a day, observe your thoughts without judgment and then focus on your
breathing. Again, learn to observe your thoughts with no judgement.
3. Write in a journal everyday about all the situations you were in and how you were feeling at the time.
Also write down how you could have handled that situation better.
4. Write your biography, from start to present. You will learn about your beliefs and sabotaging thoughts
you have acquired through childhood, parents, friends and social culture. When you understand how
you gained your beliefs you can then
These are simple methods to gain awareness. See if they work for you…